The end of the year flew by, and it's hard to believe, but our little Popsicle will be turning 1 next week! The last few weeks we've started to slowly realize that Poppy is looking less like a baby and more like a little girl. Which is exciting and sad at the same time. She's learning new things constantly and amazes us daily. The separation anxiety seems to have worsened recently, with Mummy and Daddy both frustrated because Daddy wants to hold Poppy and she won't let him, and Mummy wants to rest her arms at the grocery store but Poppy doesn't want to be put in the cart or stroller. The irony to all this dependence on Mummy is that she is also beginning to be quite the stubborn, defiant and independent little girl in other ways: she doesn't want anyone else putting the spoon in her mouth, brushing her teeth, putting the binki in her mouth, etc...
Poppy's favorite things of late: letting Daddy tickle her, pulling herself up on the recently installed baby gate and shaking it as loudly as she possibly can, playing and laughing with her cousins, throwing her food down to Georgie, playing the bedtime game with Mummy where Mummy throws the blanket down to Poppy and Poppy grabs it and laughs uncontrollably, kissing her dollies, and grapes. Yes, grapes. That one is added to the list because even if she sees the grapes (i.e. the fridge is opened; walking by the grapes in the produce section at the store), she will start to cry if she is not immediately offered one. Her favorite toys are her baby dolls, a set of drum sticks in her play music band set, and a play plastic banana that she carries around with her nonstop. I guess that's appropriate because of her love of bananas.
As for Mummy and Daddy, nothing much is happening out of the ordinary. In October, Paul was made the Associate Director at work. We are really proud of him, and happy that he travels less during tax season. He's probably excited to not be driving to all of the po-dunk areas of Utah as well. Mummy turns 30 this year and is feeling really old (but not too old)! We are looking forward to celebrating Poppy's 1st birthday, and upcoming visits from Paul's parents.
Poppy really is growing up! I love the pictures of you with Poppy and Paul with Poppy. And congrats Paul on your promotion. That is so exciting!
congrats Paul on the advancement! Poppy looks so big now. I love her huge smile.
oh, she is so adorable! I just wish that she would let someone other than Anna cuddle her! haha!
Didn't know Paul got promoted; that's great! My boys are mama's boys, too. It's both flattering and exhausting, eh?
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