Sunday, June 26, 2011

Sunday Afternoon at Wheeler Farm

A few Sundays ago, we had a picnic at one of Poppy's favorite places, Wheeler Farm. What's better than eating outdoors, running around, playing with the cousins, and seeing the animals?? Maia and Cullen weren't there, and you may also notice that Edison is missing...he was sleeping through most of dinner. But Luke, Poppy and Gaby had a blast! Poppy can say the names of all of her VanDenBerghe cousins (I guess we better get her working on learning her English cousins' names!) Here is how she pronounces them: My (Maia), Ed-son (Edison), Cu-wen (Cullen), Wuke-y (Lukey), and Gobby (Gaby).

1 comment:

Dar, Ali, Edi, and Lukey said...

You guys got some cute pictures! And that is exactly how Poppy says all their names. It is pretty hilarious. I love when she says Wu-key!