Tuesday, November 13, 2007

.... Did Not Go As Planned!

So I guess I've not yet figured out the whole blogging deal as i just tried to post my first 'comment' and seem to have hit the wrong button, hence the blank post below. Anywho!!!!! Let's try again, so as previously mentioned, this is my first ever blog and I'm not really sure what I'm doing so bear with me as i make the, inevitable, errors. So why did i start a blog, well I'm not sure really, i just thought it would be fun and i was just looking on the Internet and found a whole bunch of people i know have blogs. So i decided to ever be the sheep and follow along. So welcome to my blog, and I'm sure Anna will have some things to add to, not sure about Georgie though (the big teddy bear paws make it hard for her to type efficiently) but hopefully this blog will be interesting and a fun way for us to let all of our friends and family (and possibly a bunch of strangers - all of whom I hope are quite normal!) know what is going on with us.

1 comment:

mum said...

This is brilliant, ILOVE IT I LOVE IT I LOVE IT Lots of Love Mum and Muffxxx