It's been pretty hot here, which Georgie and Poppy have been enjoying. We've all been doing some yardwork, spending some time outside, and planting a vegetable garden. Yesterday, Poppy had her first swimming experience at Cullen's first birthday party (pictures attached!) Cullen turned one on the 23rd May, and while Edison liked the pool, I think Poppy, Maia and Cullen enjoyed watching more.
Poppy is a little over 3 1/2 months old now, and is definitely getting some meat on her bones! She is finally developing little fat rolls, chubby cheeks, and has gorgeous eyelashes and a big smile to go along! Her eyes are getting lighter, but are still blue, so Paul and I think they might stay blue. She's getting more coordinated, and loves holding onto her bib, burp cloth, blanket, or the edge of her shirt (whatever's closest). She coos and talks a lot now, which is adorable. She's tried rice cereal a couple of times, but hasn't quite figured out how to swallow it yet. And we can't complain, because last night Poppy slept from 10 pm to 7:45 am!
Alison and I took Edison and Poppy over to visit my cousin Taryn and her boys, and it was fun seeing Poppy with Truman, who is only 2 days older than Poppy. They were about the same size, but Truman was a little taller and Poppy's head slightly larger (she was, after all, in the 90th percentile for head size last time we went in)! I might have to get a picture of them from Taryn to post. At one point, they were holding hands, and although probably not really aware they were doing it, it was still very cute.
Georgie still really likes Poppy and is always trying to jump on her or kiss her (see for yourself in the pictures). It's cute, but kinda gross.
Paul's friends Vicky and Neil (Paul's best "man" at our wedding) just adopted a little boy named Elliott. He's one year old and has the same birthday as Poppy! We're so excited for them and hope to get some pictures of the happy family soon.