Miss Poppy hit 20 weeks yesterday, and she is quite the active 5-month old! It's amazing when we upload photos comparing her now to how she was as a little newborn. At 5 months, she babbles and coos nonstop, smiles 75% of the time and cries 25% of the time, drools more than Georgie, grabs hold of everything within reach (including mummy's hair, which has been cut 3 inches shorter), loves daddy's singing, giggles at a confused Georgie, adores baby Einstein (especially the giraffe in the bowtie--and let me tell you, we have used the DVD's to our advantage during the especially stressful fussy times), and is a master of crib gymnastics. She caught her first cold from me last week, and although we were expecting the worst, with some baby Tylenol, saline nose drops and a humidifier, she pulled through unbelievably well. "She spends 2 days a week at grandma and grandpa VanDenBerghe's house, where she and cousin Edison have become good little buddies. The funny thing is, Edison has yet to learn baby Luke's name, and calls him Poppy a good deal of the time!
As you can see from the pictures below, Poppy is now a pro at eating solids. She's definitely a foodie, or as the French would say, she is a "gourmande". She has already tried rice cereal, peas, carrots and sweet potatoes, respectively. She loves them all (although upon eating vegetables, the rice cereal became a little too bland for her, so we entice her to it with a little bit of apple juice mixed in)! We decided to get a few shots of her eating tonight, because she's adorably hilarious. She's getting very good at eating from a spoon, but if I'm not quick enough getting it to her mouth, she will lean into the spoon as if attacking it. She used to get food everywhere, either by sticking her hands in her mouth during feeding, grabbing the spoon out of my hand, or blowing raspberries with a mouthful of carrots (and turning our tablecloth orange), but she's gotten much better in a few days' time!
Anyway, we realize that most of our blogging these days revolves around Popsicle, but this is the best way for nannie & grandpa in England to get bits and pieces of their ever-changing and growing granddaughter. We miss you! Every day she keeps us laughing and smiling.
She is such a cutie! I love all the pictures.
She does blow through solids like I've never seen! The other day mom couldn't find anything else to give her because she ate her carrots so dang fast. So we resorted to some crushed up Special K. Just kidding! Don't freak out!
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