Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Halloweeen and other fun stories!

Here we are, it's November 1st and, even though we tried to explain it to her, Poppy has failed to see the purpose behind 'fall back' (i.e. sleeping in), so I decided to use this time productively and get some blogging in. It's been a while since I posted anything (this is Paul by the way) but I think Anna has done a jolly good job of sharing what's been going on here at the Leggett's.

Things seem to have been super busy for use the past few weeks, it feels as though since my Mum went home - about 3 weeks ago - things just haven't stopped. It was so much fun having my Mum here with us. Poppy just loves her (I thing that may have had something to do with the two suitcases full of toys, clothes and books that Nannie Sue brought over for her...) and seemed to remember her from last time she was here. Even with all the busyness going on we've still had some holiday themed fun.

We went to two Halloween parties this weekend, we had the ward party on Friday and then a family party on Saturday, both were really fun - although I have to say that I was a little disappointed that at the family party only Darren, Anna's Mom and us dressed up - the rest of the family will have to do better next year! With that being said it was stilll a great deal of fun and Poppy looked cuter than cute as a little Gypsy (we were Quasimodo and Esmerelda(s) - see below for photo!). I also won a $1 McDonalds gift certificate - so double cheeseburger here I come!

Poppy at the Trunk or Treat - we scored quite the candy bounty - it was all for her you know.

Anna and Poppy both had fun with my Quasimodo wig (of which Georgie was deathly afraid)

In other news Poppy is cute (again see below for photo) and is just such a delightful little baby. She is still not crawling, although we think she is close, and we are just LOVING people telling us all the time that it is SO important she crawl (we get it, just tell us how to make here crawl please). She is also progressing to regular food and spent a good 3 minutes yesterday trying to figure out what she should do with the grape in her mouth - in the end, as Anna says, she gummed it. Poppy also had her first experience not sharing last night, at Vicki and Joey's party (thanks for hosting!), she was hanging out with Serena (her cousin's cousin) and they were both really wanting to hold the Rainbow Brite plate (I mean who wouldn't) and proceeded to spend the next five minutes taking it out of each others hand. Neither cried so I just sat beside them and took some pictures - it was quite cute.

Poppy was one happy little camper when she finally got to hold the plates!

Poppy + Georgie = Best Friends (although you can't tell that from Georgie's expression in these pics)


The Bunker Family said...

She is so cute! I love the costumes - what a creative idea. Don't worry about her crawling, she'll do it when she's ready! Sydney didn't crawl until 8.5 months - I think you should just enjoy her un-mobility - life gets much busier when they start crawling. She is super cute in the meantime!

Aubrey said...

What great costumes! You all look fantastic. And I love Poppy's smile while she's holding the plates.

Julie V. said...

I love the new picture header, but I must say, Georgie looks a tad bit...reluctant.

Anna said...

thanks, guys! Julie: Georgie always has that face in pictures. I tell her to smile, but for some reason she never listens.

Carrie said...

Loved the post and the pictures. Just FYI, I teach child development courses at the U, and every single text book I've looked at says not to worry if your kid skips crawling and goes for walking... Just as long as she's hitting other milestones, it doesn't matter at all. A lot of babies now skip crawling because they don't spend a lot of "tummy time" with the whole "back to sleep" to avoid SIDS thing.... Anyhow - I believe it!! Besides, I have to believe nothing is seriously wrong with late crawlers. Calan didn't crawl until 10.5 months. He was walking about a week later...

Dar, Ali, Edi, and Lukey said...

You look hot as a gypsy, Anna. Maybe instead of working, Poppy and you can go work the passersby for some free money. I'd be 100% more likely to give you cute girls money than the other hobos outside of Temple Square.

Tracy said...

I told you, I will dress up next year when I have children (child) ok? Maybe the baby will be Quasimodo and I'll be Esmerelda. Original, eh? I love the pictures of Poppy and Georgie. So precious.

Tracy said...

Oh, and I can't BELIEVE Anna let you post that picture of her. haha.

VanDenBerghe chin. (Actually, I think it must be from my mom's side since she also has the weird chin thing)

Julie V. said...

Hey there, can you do me a favor and tell Alison I can't get into her blog. I need to be invited again I guess.
It was fun to see you guys at the Thanksgiving dinner. Poppy is so darling.