Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Some cute pitcures to brighten your day

Georgie is really the best dog ever - enough said!


Dar, Ali, Edi, and Lukey said...

Best dog ever? I believe that award goes to Skiba Morris DB Neeley! Just kidding, he's really kind of a pain that we unfortunately love.

Julie V. said...

Hi Anna and Paul, cute blog. It was fun perusing and reading about your awesome brushes with fame. I think I need to make that cake. Yum!
oh, and by the way, I guess you haven't seen Snickerdoodle Cookie, a.k.a. "Cookie" our darling little pooch! Now SHE is the BDE. ;)

Anna said...
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Anna said...

I'm excited to visit your blog now and see Cookie! We'll have to arrange a play date sometime.