Poppy was officially 6 months old on the 11th of August, and I know I'm her mom, but she is really cute. She laughs and smiles all the time, loves to touch people's faces, grabs and touches everything, and happens to have the prettiest eyelashes ever! Her hair is starting to come in nicely now, but we're still waiting for some teeth to appear. She constantly has her feet in her mouth, and rolls everywhere. If you leave her on the floor and leave the room, she will be on the other side of the room in 10 seconds flat, that's how good she is at it! Her favorite things are walks in the stroller and looking at trees in the park. Her not-so-favorite things are swimming pools and waiting for her dinner.
At her 6-month checkup, she was still around the 50th percentile for both weight and height, while her noggin remains well above the 90th percentile. After looking at the numbers for her head, Jed said, "She must get that from her dad", which I thought was really funny but I don't know if Paul was amused. The doc says she's extremely healthy, with great skin, eyes, ears, nose, everything! She looks great. She'd be perfect if it weren't for the stupid acid reflux thing, for which she still takes zantac twice a day. She still throws up a lot, but the doc reckons she'll be over that by her 9th month.
The pictures of Poppy in her yellow bedroom were taken on Sunday, because we wanted some 6-month-old pics in her Sunday dress. She wasn't really wanting to smile, and to get Georgie out of the way, we shut her out of the room because she wouldn't get out of the way. Well, when we opened the door, Georgie had left us a couple of big poos in the hallway to demonstrate her annoyance.
Paul, however, managed to get some great pictures of Poppy smiling at the park today! We think she's pretty gorgeous. I think we'll keep her.
Cute pictures. Her smile is so adorable. She sometimes smiles at me like that, but not when I try to feed her her bottle with mom around...she has her preferences.
Oh my gosh, are those lashes for real, or what!? So cute. Anna had awesome eyes too as a little tyke!
Oh, I should have mentioned that Morgan threw up all the time too. She always had a bib on. Always. anyway, Jed said the same thing he told you and he was totally accurate.
oh, she's such a cutie. She is growing up so fast!
Thanks, Julie! I'm relieved to hear that not all your kids had the spit-up issue; hopefully we won't have to deal with it again! Although, who's to say there won't be something new to deal with?!
She has the cutest grin ever!!! And her eyelashes...gorgeous!!!
I can't believe these babies are growing up so fast. She is a cutie.
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