Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Valentine's Day is a magical day...

I always thought it would be fun to have a child around the same time as some of my friends or siblings, so as to have children around the same age, but after it took us so long for pregnancy to become a reality for us, I thought, well, there's no way I could really have any control over something like that.
Well....interestingly enough, once we announced to our families, we came to find out that we're not the only ones due on the romantic holiday. It turns out that Darren's brother Bryce and wife Kelly are due then, as is Vicki's brother Nate and wife Narin. And today I just found out that my favorite cousin growing up, Taryn and her husband Sam, are also due February 14! For those of you others who have been pregnant before, is this a common occurrence?? It can't be something in the water, because one of those couples lives in Texas and another in Denver. Well, whatever the case, it's still pretty cool!


Taryn and the boys said...

I was talking to my mom on the phone yesterday and she told me. That's crazy. We are so excited for you guys. Hope all is well. Congrats!

Tracy said...

Yay! It's Baby Valentines Day!