Monday, October 27, 2008

Usborne Books Show

As some of you know, Alison and I hosted an Usborne Books show for Vicki on Saturday, who is a consultant for the company. If you've never been to one of these shows or seen the books, they are really awesome, educational and quality books for kids of all ages. If you weren't able to make it to the party on Saturday, we are hosting an "e-party" until midnight on Saturday Nov. 1, which you can go to online and take a look at what Usborne has to offer.
To shop visit
Or, if you're interested in hosting a show yourself, go to or contact Vicki, and if you host and close a book show before December 11, you can earn double free books!

1 comment:

Dar, Ali, Edi, and Lukey said...

I have an appt next week with Dr. Ashwin Kapoor. Hehehe, I love that Daisy the Doctor book.