It feels weird that it's been a whole week, and the 3 days in the hospital seem like a blur now. Although I'm pretty sure it happened, seeing as we now have a baby and I have a flatter (somewhat) stomach and scar to prove it!
The C-section was definitely not as bad as I'd imagined it to be. It was all pretty fast, actually. We arrived at 3:30, after which they started my IV and had me change into the hospital gown, and shortly thereafter I was being wheeled to the OR with Paul by my side to start the epidural and morphine. The medicine worked really fast, and before I knew it they had the screen in place and were starting the surgery. The actual surgery was painless, although I could feel tugging sensations and a lot of pressure up near my chest. I could also hear everything the doctors were saying including when they were making the incision, and heard their laughter when Poppy, who came out bum-first, started peeing and pooping on her way out. Within 10 to 15 minutes, we could finally hear some little coughs and sneezes and knew that she was out. Paul got to go take pictures while the nurses cleaned her and suctioned out her throat and nose, and after that was taken care of, the proud daddy brought her over to me for our emotional first meeting. I was in love the moment I set eyes on her. My first thought was, "Is that my baby"? Maybe because I think she looks like Paul, or because I just didn't know what she would look like. In any case, she's definitely more gorgeous and beautiful than I'd ever imagined. The next 20 minutes were difficult because I badly wanted to hold my new little girl, but I was happy knowing that Paul was able to see her and be by her side the minute she came out.
The next few days were slightly painful, tiring, and getting used to a schedule of feeding and taking care of precious Poppy. It's quite the adjustment! Change is very difficult for me, and dealing with the residual pain as well as the hormonal adjustments hasn't been easy.
I have to say how grateful I am for Paul. He is the most wonderful husband and father in the world. Not only does he love Poppy as unconditionally as I do, he makes sure I'm feeling well and that I'm taken care of, too. I knew how much I loved him before, but having Poppy and seeing the joy and love in his eyes and knowing how much he cares for both of us makes my heart skip a beat.
Today Poppy had her one week appointment with the pediatrician, and she's doing great and is completely healthy! She has almost regained her birth weight and now weighs 8 lbs 3 oz. Her ears, eyes and nose look great, her heart sounds good, and overall she is doing well (besides deciding to wake up at all hours of the night and not wanting to go back to sleep)! We couldn't be more grateful and happy.
Ohhhh she's just perfect and your birth story was so sweet!! I'm so glad you finally have your little Poppy! It's definitely hard the first 2 months as you adjust. After I had Savanna, I was a bit of a mess with postpartum blues and healing after a very difficult birth so if you ever need to talk or ask questions or anything, you know where to find me!!! :) I am so excited for you, you'll be such an awesome mommy and Paul sounds like such an amazing daddy and hubby!! Looks like Georgie is in love with her too. :)
Thanks for sharing your story! I am so excited for you guys to have Poppy here!!! I hope you continue to get feeling better and healing... Poppy is so absolutely beautiful!! I was curious to know how Georgie is adjusting? Is she as protective of Poppy as she is of Anna? Well -we can't wait to see you guys again sometime soon!
This was a great post. Very tender and heartfelt. Poppy is beautiful and I can't wait to see her in person!
She is so adorable. I am glad you are doing well, and I look forward to updates and more pictures!
She does look just like Paul. I'm usually horrible and knowing who new babies looks like, but I think she is an easy one. It is amazing how much you love them in no time at all. Just know you're not the only one up all night right now. Good luck with everything.
What a sweet post about your little angel. How fun for you both. And tiring! Oh those nights up feeding and consoling a newborn are ROUGH. Hang in there. I am so glad to have the updates, keep that going.
She already looks so different in a weeks time! I feel bad we have barely been able to see her, but Edison can't seem to kick his sickness. Hope that she is getting on a more normal sleep schedule. It is pretty amazing how you can love someone so much in no time at all. I always joke with Darren that I love him almost as much as I love Edi.
We are so excited for your new little family, I must say it is a gorgeous family at that! We can not wait to meet Miss Poppy:)
I hope you continue to feel better. We will bein touch.
Hey Anna! Congratulations on the birth of your beautiful baby girl! I am SO happy for you! Its been too long since our days back at the good ol' Church Office building. We need to catch up! you can visit my blog at
She's definitely your child Anna! In some photos she does look like Paul - a lot! But in others she looks like a mini-Anna :o) She is adorable.
Such a sweet post. And yes, the first little bit is rough, intense, and so tiring. But it WILL get better and then you'll look forward to doing it all over again (believe it or not!).
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