Wednesday, November 19, 2008

8 Things

In response to Alison's tag (this is Anna by the way--I know it gets a tad confusing when we both post stuff from time to time):

8 TV Shows I Love To Watch

*The Soup with Joel McHale
*The Office
*30 Rock
*The IT Crowd
*So You Think You Can Dance
*Doctor Who (gotta throw in some British shows for good measure!)

8 Favorite Restaurants

*Cheesecake Factory
*Taste of Punjab
*Cafe Rio
*Sweet Tomatoes
*most pizza places
*In 'n Out Burger
*Jason's Deli--who doesn't like free ice cream?

8 Things That Happened Yesterday

*skipped out on work! edit from Paul : I'd like to clarify that Anna did not 'skip out on work' she was sick and spent the whole morning in the hospital (she's fine though - well aside from a kidney infection - but hey it's better than the alternative - pre-term labour)
*Went to the doctor to sort out some pain I was having, without realizing that I was in for a world of pain there as well. Anyone ever experienced a catheter???!!
*Made cookies
*Cried while watching "The Mentalist". Seriously.
*Changed Georgie's bandages on her foot
*Chased Georgie around the house 'cause she hates having her ears cleaned
*In addition to the catheter, had some other unpleasant things done to me, along with a scan of my kidneys. If you want to know, they are slightly swollen. But so am I in general.

8 Things I am Looking Forward To

*Going home
*the weekend--Twilight!
*getting my hair cut Saturday
*Having the baby
*going to some concerts with Paul
*Having the baby, and
*Yes, having the baby!!

8 Things On My Wish List

*Being jobless. I would love to be a full-time mommy and housewife. Hopefully sooner rather than later!
*that it was February already!
*that 4-day/10-hr. workweeks were easy.
*Clothes that fit
*Having a body again
*that poor little Georgie didn't have dermatitis and her little paw was all healed.
*that I didn't have to teach RS this Sunday.
*that I could just be happy & grateful and not dwell on the negative


this is audrey said...

Yes, pregnancy is quite "sucky" but so worth it in the end. I thought the hardest part was the last month.

The Kooky Queen--Rachel said...

Anna! You had a kidney infection!? I had that when I was pregnant with Savanna only we were in Ukraine and they didn't know what to do for it. It was horrible and killed so I totally know how you are feeling!! I hope you get better and stop being so darn positive, will ya? :) You're the greatest and I love your blog!!!

Tracy said...

Anna- I didn't know that you went to the hospital! Well, get used to the catheter. You'll get another of those in February :) haha! I'm sorry. I'm impressed that you vacummed after that!

Dar, Ali, Edi, and Lukey said...

I know you want to have the baby,and it is exciting, but there are days when I say, "Edison...keep that up and I'm going to put you right back in the womb!" In some cases it was easier when he was stuck in there...except for the heartburn and frequent urination. I am excited for Twilight, too. The reviews seem to be ok. Even that d-bag from the Des News (Jeff Vice) gave it 2 and a half stars!

Meg said...


I hope that you are starting to feel better, Im sorry you have been so sick. Talk about a trooper, you are already a great mom!

Julie V. said...

Hang in there Anna! Can I pat your belly when we see you at the Christmas party?

Anna said...

Yes, you can pat my belly. Luckily no strangers have asked to do that, because that'd be weird.

Carrie said...

I hope you've recovered from the kidney infection!! We're thinking about you guys :)